Hello, I'M Shubham Randive

Java Backend Developer & Tech Enthusiast

In Respect To ME

Hi! My name is Shubham, I'm a Java backend developer with zeal for backend development. I'm currently a Studying at Masai School pursuing a degree in Full stack web developer with a major in interaction backend development. I Love To Work On Exciting Projects That Test What I've Learnt, Whilst Being Exposed To The Power And Potential Of The Ever-Evolving Technologies Around Us. Passionate About Building Digital Products That Improve Everyday Experience For People.

When I'm not programming , I enjoy going on motorcycle rides, playing football, and playing video games.

  Self Proclamations:

Java Developer
Tech Enthusiast

What I Do


Design is something you get the feel of the website which is most important to know as a developer. Design encompasses the internal functionality of a product as well as the overall user experience.Design is something i always take into consideration with creativity as well as the flow of patterns in design.


I have alwayse been passionate about design and development, and interested in software applications development. As I grow as a developer, I hope to write clean, logical and reliable code which should be reusable as well.


I'm currently learning and working on several projects at Masai School, Previously i have participate in several inter-college esport competition,I have always been interested in social cause and actively participate in blood donation, Environmental awarness activities.


I've been in Masai School for about 1 years now, And I have been part of sevral projects, while working on some mini projects on my free time as well.

Some technologies I've worked with

Where I've Learned

Check out my resume!

Some Of My Work

(more coming soon)



Payment Wallet Application



Get In Touch!

Whether you have an idea for a project or just want to chat, feel free to shoot me an email!

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